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Recommended team:
1 Project Manager per Project
1 Solution Architect per 40 hours of Estimated Work
1 ITSM Coordinator per 40 hours of Estimated Work
Typical Step Duration:
2-6 Weeks per 6 Months of Estimated Work
Vital steps:
Step 1 - Sit down with customer and find out what their goals and problems are
Step 2 - Start brainstorming solution with customer and solution architect (high level to get estimates)
Step 3 - Start to plan out a rough timeline of events and estimated finished date
Step 4 - Build stories in ITSM to prepare for architecting phase
Step 5 - Review stories with Solution Architect to ensure no missing components
Step 6 - Estimate hours of work per essential elements
Step 7 – Handoff to Solution Architect to begin Architecting phase
Common questions to help find a solution:
What problems are you currently having?
What questions do you need this analytics solution to answer?
Where do you want people to see this?
Familiarize customer with the different forms of analytics; mashups, dashboarding, reporting, table, infographic, etc. Review different options within analytics; decision engines, automation's, write-back, etc.
Draw out what the site/analytics will look like (mockup drawing only). Build out each page until satisfactory.
During this phase build documentation that can be used with your ITSM coordinator to build out every single ticket in this phase you are going to be working with the customer and this should be the most intensive time that you spend with them throughout the entire project. It is vital that you write down every requirement that they have.
Example: You've discussed that the issue the customer has is they want to be able to see their sales figures month over month and by agent with as many different capabilities as possible on one single page and they want it on website that they can access on their intranet. in this example the key points that you will want to pass on to the architect is web-based intranet application single page.
Once you've gotten most of their requirements down, you're going to want to sketch out their requirements so they can visually see what a future product will look like and have a meeting with them to discuss any changes in your visions that would be required for them to be happy with the finalized product.
At the final stage you're going to worked with the ITSM coordinator and Solution Architect to build the high level ITSM stories. This should take a few days to finish.
Once stories have been finished work with the architect to begin the architecting phase.
Recommended team:
1 Project Manager per Project
1 ITSM Coordinator per 40 hours of estimated work
1 Solution Architect per 40 hours of estimated work
1 Database Developer per 40 hours of estimated work (Optional)
1 Backend Analytics Developer per 40 hours of estimated work (Optional)
1 Frontend Analytics Developer per 40 hours of estimated work (Optional)
Typical Step Duration:
1-2 Weeks per 6 Months of Estimated Work
Vital steps:
Step 1 – Plan out high-level data diagram from source to finish
Step 2 – Build data dictionary mapping out fields from source to finish
Step 3 – With ITSM and Project Manager, create sub tasks with detailed instructions
Step 4 – Review with Database/Backend/Frontend Developers
Step 5 – Handoff to Developer(s) to begin Developing phase
Architecting phase first is going to be passed off from the planning phase. During planning phase, the parent stories are completed. Example: ‘Build Dashboard page’, ‘Build Analytics page’, ‘Build Reporting page’, along with details or sketches of what is requested by the customer.
Solution Architects (SA) will take those stories and further break them into subtasks. They’ll work with the ITSM Coordinator (IC), who is going to be taking all the information and building out those subtasks for the solution architect.
Example Scenario:
single data model that has sales data and marketing data we're going to mix the two together to come from two different sources so from marketing I need a BCD from sales I need E FGHIJ and then together they're built through key X so you have an X that combines both tables together and that's my data model so from there then I would go and I would source the fields so I am grabbing a be from table you know epsilon and I'm grabbing C&D from table alpha from the marketing source and then 4F I'm grabbing from gamma table from source from the sales source and then for G&H I'm grabbing from the delta table and so once you've got all that mapped out that's going to help the architect because when the architects
Typical Architecting Cycle:
Sketch out the hypothetical data model
Start from the end and work your way to the beginning
List dimensions
List Measures
List Sources
Include tables, fields, calculated fields, etc.
Build Story ‘Create Connections’
Create subtasks for each connection
Include actual connection source ‘192.***.*.***:**** - ‘
Build story ‘Build out Data Model’
Create subtasks for each component in the data model
Create subtasks for each developer per story.
Example: For Front-end divide the stories into their components of objects and requirements.
Sit down with at least one of the developers for each of the major components
One back-end developer, One database developer, One front-end developer, etc.
Run through the tasks that have been created and do a sanity check that the tasks are clear they understand the requirements
Documentation helps tremendously the more detailed each task is, to the point where a 5-year-old could read it and follow the steps, the better because that's exactly what you want for each ticket.
Recommended team (per 40 hours of estimated work):
1 Project Manager per Project
1 ITSM Coordinator per 40 hours of estimated work
1 Database Developer per 40 hours of estimated work
1 Backend Analytics Developer per 40 hours of estimated work
1 Frontend Analytics Developer per 40 hours of estimated work
Typical Step Duration (per 6 months of estimated work):
2-8 Weeks
Vital steps:
Step 1 – Develop assigned stories/tasks
Step 2 – Handoff to Quality Assurance Analyst(s) to begin Proofing phase
Step 3 – If applicable, work on Quality Assurance failed stories/tasks
Using the architecture document, develop to specifications.
Recommended team (per 40 hours of estimated work):
1 Project Manager per Project
1 ITSM Coordinator per 40 hours of estimated work
1 Database Developer per 40 hours of estimated work
1 Backend Analytics Developer per 40 hours of estimated work
1 Frontend Analytics Developer per 40 hours of estimated work
2 Quality Assurance Analyst per 40 hours of estimated work
Typical Step Duration:
2-4 Weeks per 6 months of estimated work
Vital steps:
Step 1 – Ensure quality for all stories/tasks
Step 2 – Send back failed stories/tasks to development team
Step 3 – Give final signoff on all tickets once properly developed
Step 4 – Run application through User Acceptance Testing
Step 5 – Pass back findings from UAT to Developers until acceptance is granted
Step 4 – Handoff to Deployment team to begin Deploying phase
Recommended team:
1 Project Manager per Project
1 Analytics Administrator per 40 hours of estimated work
1 ITSM Coordinator per 40 hours of estimated work (optional)
Typical Step Duration:
1-2 Weeks per 6 months of estimated work
Vital steps:
Step 1 – Deploy to Production Environment for consumption
Step 2 – Check for errors/issues in Production
Step 3 – Inform customer that application is ready for consumption
Step 4 – Handoff to Shepherding team to begin Shepherding phase
Recommended team (per 40 hours of estimated work):
1 Project Manager per Project (As Needed)
1 ITSM Coordinator per 40 hours of estimated work (As Needed)
1 Analytics Administrator per 40 hours of estimated work (As Needed)
1 Database Developer per 40 hours of estimated work (As Needed)
1 Backend Analytics Developer per 40 hours of estimated work (As Needed)
1 Frontend Analytics Developer per 40 hours of estimated work (As Needed)
Typical Step Duration:
As needed
Vital steps: